Tuesday 28 February 2017

What do you know about TB???

So, I am back and to be candid, blogging isn't my thing. But I actually love writing... or used to love writing. Anyways, I think I can do this... yes, I can (Apologies to Obama).

Enough of my heat infested rant... (My office is in a black out and the heat can fry yam)

What do you know about TB ? Yes, that's a very crucial question. Many people know next to nothing about TB .

By definition in the most layman's terms, TB is the short title for the term Tuberculosis, which is an infection caused by the bacteria Mycobacteria tuberculosis. It is spread through infected droplets of an infected person while coughing. Yes oh! COUGHING! So when next you see that stranger in your BRT or danfo coughing, better advise him/her kindly to close his  mouth while coughing as he may be infected with TB. The is not to say that every stranger has TB, but you cannot tell... after all the wahala in life, it is TB that will come and kill someone... God Forbid!

TB is a killer but you know what? It is a very treatable killer... 

So how can you tell that you may have TB??? One most common symptom is cough. Now, the real suspicion comes when a cough lasts for two weeks or even more. If that is the case, neighbour! neighbour!! drag him/her to get tested for TB sharp sharp! No time for dulling abeg. If you like be there saying "it's not my business", it will be your business when you or someone close to you gets infected. Other symptoms which may be pointing towards TB are;
1. Weight loss... the person starts losing weight as if he/she is being sucked dry by a vampire. It's not witches sucking him/her dry... it could be TB.

2. Night sweats.... the person can sweat die for night. Others will be complaining of the AC or weather being very cold, the person is looking for another AC to join the one there. Bros, check yourself. If the person is also coughing, abeg, drag am go hospital jor!

3. Fever... my pepople, not all fever is malaria oh!!!! It's not everything that is Malaria and Typhoid (apologies to Naija hospitals). If there is fever and a prolonged cough, my people, go and get tested for TB! Stop looking for agbo jedi jedi to drink and then add liver problem to your problem...lol

The test for TB is quite simple and free. In some health facilities, all the person needs is a test called sputum microscopy, where the person will cough into a small container and take it to the hospital for it to be processed and viewed under a microscope. Nowadays, there's a newer type of test called GeneXpert, which uses the same sputum but ensures you get a result within hours, instead of days. So fast! And the treatment is also FREE!!! So, mind that cough, cover your mouth and stop thinking its from your village or that your wicked neighbour has poisoned you. You deserve to know what s really wrong with you. Please share this article as it may help someone in need.

Feel free to call 08092634475 if you need more information on TB. In my next series, I will tell you about HIV. TB and HIV are quite related.

Remember, play safe, use a CONDOM... You heard me right!

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